Badu Bonsu II was a Ghanaian king who was murdered by Dutch colonials in 1838. He was accused of killing Dutch officials. As punishment, his head was severed and preserved in a jar for several decades. The head was stored at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC).
When Kufour, the president of Ghana at the time, visited the Netherlands, he learned about this situation. The case came to light again in 2005 when Arthur Japin wrote the book 'The Two Hearts of Kwasi Boachi', which was inspired by Badu Bonsu II's story. The ambassador of Ghana, Eric Odoi-Anim, believed that the head should be buried promptly. He stated that the spirit of the king would only find peace once it was buried. In 2009, the head was returned to the great-grandson of King Badu Bonsu II, who ritually buried it. |
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