A book presentation and Q&A with dr. Kehinde Andrews at The Black Archives.
The book 'Back to Black: Retelling Black Radicalism' traces the long and eminent history of Black radical politics. Born out of resistance to slavery and colonialism, its rich past encompasses figures such as Marcus Garvey, Angela Davis, the Black Panthers and the Black Lives Matter activists of today. At its core it argues that racism is inexorably embedded in the fabric of society, and that it can never be overcome unless by enacting change outside of this suffocating system. This is an appeal to reclaim Black radicalism, a movement that has been diluted and moderated over time, willfully misrepresented and caricatured by others, and divested of its potency and potential for global change. Date? Monday April 22nd Time? 6.30 - 9.30 pm Location? The Black Archives, Zeeburgerdijk 19A, Amsterdam |
Kehinde Andrews is professor of black studies at Birmingham City University. He is author of Back to Black: Retelling Black Radicalism for the 21st Century and writes for The Guardian. Read some of his articles here:
Openingstijden/Opening TimesWoensdag/Wednesday 11.00 - 17.00 uur
Donderdag/Thursday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Vrijdag/Friday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Zaterdag/Saturday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Onze nieuwe locatie in Amsterdam Zuidoost is geopend. Neem contact op via de pagina contact voor rondleidingen buiten het programma. We moved to South East Amsterdam. Contact us via the page contact for tours outside our program. |
Momenteel beschikt The Black Archives niet over een speciale ingang en lift voor personen met een fysieke beperking en voor rolstoelgebruikers.
At this moment, The Black Archives does not have a special entrance or lift for person of disability. |