In the Netherlands, there was never a massive anti-slavery movement. Still, there were a few politicians who still campaigned against the system of slavery. Minister Wolter Robert van Hoëvell, for example, advocated against slavery in Indonesia (Dutch East Indies). He wrote articles such as "The Emancipation of Slaves in the Dutch East Indies" (1848) and in Suriname in his book "Slaves and Freemen under Dutch Law" (1854). In it he said:
"one deadly cancer that lies at the root of all these miseries, paralyzing everything, permeating everything with its pestilential miasma: slavery, maintained by force; slavery, the most outrageous violation of justice, the darkest insult to piety, the most flagrant breach of faith. That is the sad significance of your false shield: Suriname! - 'justitia, pietas, fides!' |
Openingstijden/Opening TimesWoensdag/Wednesday 11.00 - 17.00 uur
Donderdag/Thursday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Vrijdag/Friday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Zaterdag/Saturday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Onze nieuwe locatie in Amsterdam Zuidoost is geopend. Neem contact op via de pagina contact voor rondleidingen buiten het programma. We moved to South East Amsterdam. Contact us via the page contact for tours outside our program. |
Momenteel beschikt The Black Archives niet over een speciale ingang en lift voor personen met een fysieke beperking en voor rolstoelgebruikers.
At this moment, The Black Archives does not have a special entrance or lift for person of disability. |