Wayam’membo - the baby turtle
In October 2022, members of the Kalinya Terewuyu people from Suriname rediscovered their baby. The baby had been preserved in formaldehyde for nearly 100 years at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam. Some Kalinya Terewuyu people refer to the baby as Wayam'membo, which means 'baby turtle' in their language. This name is often used to describe young babies. Manuwi C Tokai was invited by the Tropenmuseum to write a poem about her ancestors. During her performance, it was announced that Wayam'membo was housed in the museum, which sparked curiosity among many Kalinya Terewuyu people in Suriname and the Netherlands about what else was in the Tropenmuseum. As a result, they started a petition to reclaim the remains of their ancestors. "Our community has never forgotten our baby, who was taken away shortly after birth, after his mother gave birth to him. (...) Our ancestors deserve to come home and find their rest after an honorable burial." |
Openingstijden/Opening TimesWoensdag/Wednesday 11.00 - 17.00 uur
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At this moment, The Black Archives does not have a special entrance or lift for person of disability. |