'Democracy' by Langston Hughes. Win tickets for Cinema Olanda Film and The Black Archives tour12/19/2017 On November 25th 2017 the exhibition Black & Revolutionary: the story of Hermina and Otto Huiswoud opened at The Black Archives. The exhbition includes the story of the Harlem Renaissance poet, writer and playwright Langston Hughes and a book of Hughes his handwritten notes and signature. The poem 'Democracy' is recited by artist Patricia Kaersenhout in the film by Wendelien van Oldenborgh Cinema Olanda Film. It reflectsthe link between Surinamese black activists and African-American activists. Hughes was a very good friend of Hermina and Otto Huiswoud, they met in Harlem New York. Read the poem 'Democracy' here: Democracy will not come Today, this year Nor ever Through compromise and fear. I have as much right As the other fellow has To stand On my two feet And own the land. I tire so of hearing people say, Let things take their course. Tomorrow is another day. I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread. Freedom Is a strong seed Planted In a great need. I live here, too. I want freedom Just as you. On Friday December 22nd 2017 we will screen the Film Cinema Olanda and we will screen the film Prologue: Squat / Anti-Squat. Afterwards we will have a discussion with Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Quinsy Gario, Khadija Al Mourabit and Andre Reeder. Before the screenings we will give a tour in The Black Archives and you will have time to visit the exhibit and look at some of the books of Langston Hughes. On one of the walls you can see some artwork of Raul Balai, Raul printed some of the letters send between Langston Hughes and Hermina Huiswoud on the wall to show how long and intimate their friendship was. WIN TICKETS FOR THE BLACK ARCHIVES
We are giving away 2 x 2 tickets for the event Cinema Olanda Film met Wendelien van Oldenborgh & Quinsy Gario and/or a tour in The Black Archives. Identify Otto Huiswoud and Langston Hughes on this picture, tell us where they were and why. Send an e-mail via [email protected]. We will give away 2 x 2 tickets for those who answered the question right. The tickets will allow you access to the exhibition as well!
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The Black Archives BlogArchieven
Januari 2025
Openingstijden/Opening TimesWoensdag/Wednesday 11.00 - 17.00 uur
Donderdag/Thursday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Vrijdag/Friday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Zaterdag/Saturday 11.00 - 17.00 uur Onze nieuwe locatie in Amsterdam Zuidoost is geopend. Neem contact op via de pagina contact voor rondleidingen buiten het programma. We moved to South East Amsterdam. Contact us via the page contact for tours outside our program. |
Momenteel beschikt The Black Archives niet over een speciale ingang en lift voor personen met een fysieke beperking en voor rolstoelgebruikers.
At this moment, The Black Archives does not have a special entrance or lift for person of disability. |